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Do good for the sake of loving life in general, and especially for human life!

L. Feuerbach

A thinking person is recognized by the sacred reverence for life.

V. Hugo

It is necessary to treat each living being with reverence and respect its life as one's own.

A. Schweitzer

Reverence of life is the basic principle of bioethics as the base for a moral renewal of humanity. In the ordinary view of people, this is taken for granted: the awareness of the highest value and significance of an individual's life for self and for all other people. However, in philosophy, the reverence of life (first stated by the doctor, humanist A. Schweitzer) is the realization of its meaning, which appears as a reflection on the purpose of human destiny in a system of not only social existence, but also the recognition of its cosmic immortality. The Russian religious philosopher N.F. Fedorov (1829-1903), assessing the special sense of human life, believed that "one needs to live not the self and not for the others, but with everyone and for everybody". The philosophical consideration of reverence for life is organically connected with the realization of the unique meaning of life on the planet Earth and especially its human species. Ever since people began to think about themselves and their fate, they put the task of finding the meaning of life and activity in the first place. Today, this task is revealed in the fundamentally new philosophy organizing people's lives - bioethics. Bioethics is a kind of reflection on the conscious search and acquisition of intellectual and moral content for a truly human life and activity.

The moral and legal concepts of health care in our country and all over the world today reflect the universal desire of citizens to live and act in a healthy physical and moral social state. This natural desire of people was officially enshrined in the states' constitutions and legal laws, in which it became a humanistic basis for the modification of the modern health care philosophy -

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