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What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.


I believe in power of human intelligence, in the power of selection, and believe that sentience will lead to intelligent selection.

K. Lorenz

Morality is the science concerning human relations and the responsibilities arising from these relations.

P. Holbach

In the middle of the 20th century a drastic transformational change occurred in the scientific community, social mentality, public conscience, and mass psychology. As a result, traditional ethics existing for thousands of years is now facing a rather complex social, philosophical, technical and scientific situation where many traditional moral values were radically modified. The humane sources of the previous ethic systems, which served as the base of numerous moral principles governing human activity and relationships, lost their substantiation today. They have lost their former significance due to the new global processes developing in the sphere of human relationships, and the increase of personal professional responsibility for the results of an author's scientific and creative activities. Such an unusual event is associated with previously unprecedented high rates of scientific, technical and technological progress, which clearly affected the character and consciousness of people and the principles of their social behavior.

This made the concept of increasing the rights (and simultaneously, the responsibilities) of specialists extremely actual, which led scientists, medics and philosophers to the idea of creating a fundamentally new ethic system to stand up for the protection of all living things on Earth. As a result, a philosophy of finding ways to preserve natural life and protecting the physical, mental and health of people arose. Since the middle of the 20th century it became known as bioethics.

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