Fig. 5.1. Regions and triangles of neck: 1 - retromandibular fossa; 2 - submandibular triangle; 3 - submental triangle; 4 - carotid triangle; 5 - omotracheal triangle; 6 - lesser supraclavicular fossa; 7 - omoclavicular triangle; 8 - omotrapezoid triangle; 9 - sternocleidomastoid region; 10 - posterior cervical region
Borders, regions, triangles of neck. The upper edge of the neck - the line on the lower edge of the lower jaw, the base of the mastoid process, the upper occipital line to the external occipital tubercle, the lower border - the line on the jugular notch of the sternum handle, the upper edge of the clavicles to the acromioclavicular joints and further on each side to the spinous process VII cervical vertebra.
The median sagittal plane divides the neck into left and right halves, and the frontal plane passes through the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae - into the anterior and posterior parts.
In each half of the anterior region, the following areas are distinguished: the anterior cervical region, the sternocleidomastoid region and the lateral cervical region.
The borders of the anterior cervical region: upper - lower edge of the lower jaw, medial - midline, lateral - anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. In the anterior cervical region, there are: submental, submandibular, carotid and omotracheal triangles.
The boundaries of the sternocleidomastoid region are: the anterior and posterior boundaries, respectively, of the anterior and posterior edges of the muscle of the same name.
The borders of the lateral cervical region: anterior - posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, posterior - the edge of the trapezius muscle, lower - the clavicle. The lateral cervical region is subdivided into omotrapezoid and omoclavicular triangles.