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Chapter 11 Facial Aesthetics Diagnostics

Facial Aesthetics Diagnostics

At the Department of Orthodontics at MSUMD, Porokhin A.Y. designed a device that is based on the presence of certain ratios between the values of the facial parameters «po'-pg» and «po'-n».

The device allows the linear size of the «po'-n» parameter to be determined clinically and the individual «po'-pg» size to be set based on this (Patent No. 99945) (Fig. 11.1).

Fig. 11.1. The design of the device for determining the ratio of facial parameters

Fig. 11.2. Determination of the distances between the soft tissue parameters

The device is a face-bow on which a measuring rod with a plastic stop, capable of moving in the sagittal plane in the direction perpendicular to the line connecting the centers of the facial arch olives, is fixed. There is a plastic stop at the end of the rod, and a screw clamp is used to secure the rod. There are two rows of graduated bars on the surface of the rod with a scale value ratio of 1.22.

In clinical use, the olives of the face-bow are inserted into the patient's external ear canals and the half arches of the device are fixed. After loosening the screw clamp, the measuring rod is extended until it stops at the nasion point. The first scale determines the degree of rod shift. The same value is set on the second scale, which will be the required po' - pg projection distance.

Later, an improved design was created to allow for additional clinical profilometry (Fig. 11.2) (Patent No. 125447).

A high-degree correlation (0.87) between the sizes of the parameters po' - n (po' - center of the cephalostat olive) and po'-pg was determined and the ratio of the average values of these parameters equal to 1.22 was determined (Fig. 11.3).

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