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Chapter 10 Computer Program «Dental Occlusion Harmony Assessment»

The program for evaluating the harmony of dentofacial system development allows to compare the patient's orthodontic parameters with the normal parameters and evaluate the harmony of dentitions' occlusion.

The following parameters were chosen for comparison: Po-N-A, Po-N-B, Po-N-I, Po-N-M, M-N-I, ML-NL, and the sums of mesiodistal dimensions of 4 incisors of the upper and lower dentition. Numerical values of these parameters are taken from measurements on the TRG in lateral projection and on dental models.

The angles used to assess dental harmony are shown in Fig. 10.1-10.5.

Fig. 10.1. Po-N-A, Po-N-B, Po-N-I, Po-N-M, M-N-I, ML-NL angles used to assess the harmony of dental occlusion

Fig. 10.2. a - angle Po-N-A characterizes the position of the anterior point of the apical base of the upper dentition; b - angle Po-N-B characterizes the position of the anterior point of the apical base of the lower dentition

Fig. 10.3. a - angle Po-N-I characterizes the occlusion of the incisors of the upper and lower dentition; b - angle Po-N-M characterizes the point of occlusion of the upper and lower first molars (according to angle). The position of the point depends on the size of the dentition and the mesiodistal dimensions of the teeth

Fig. 10.4. The M-N-I angle. It characterizes the degree of occlusion of the first molars and incisors of the upper and lower dentition

Fig. 10.5. ML-NL angle characterizes the development of the jaw bones in the vertical direction (intermaxillary angle)

Working with the Program «Dental Occlusion Harmony Assessment»

The working interface of the program is a panel with two obvious parts.

The left side of the panel contains lines for entering information about the attending physician, the patient and his age, the orthodontic diagnosis, and the dentition being examined.

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Chapter 10 Computer Program «Dental Occlusion Harmony Assessment»
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