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Chapter 8 Computer Program «Hasund Dental Harmony Assessment»

A computer program for evaluating the harmonious development of the dentofacial system allows to compare the orthodontic parameters of the patient's dentofacial system with the normal parameters and to make a conclusion about the presence of an occlusion anomaly, as well as to define it. For this evaluation according to Hasund, the angles characterizing the harmony (proportionality) of the facial section of the skull are chosen: NSBa, NL-NS, ML-NSL, ML-NL.

Fig. 8.1. Completion of the passport part of the "Hasund Dental Harmony Assessment" program

First, the interface of the program is filled with the data about the doctor and the patient, then the results of head TRG calculation are entered (Fig. 8.1, 8.2).

Fig. 8.2. Head TRG calculation results input

The results of computer processing are displayed in the Diagnosis and Conclusion interface windows, and the location of the data on the Hasund tablet is shown on the right. In the example shown in Fig. 8.3-8.7.

Fig. 8.3. The NSBa deviation is 3.9% which is 5.2° greater than normal

Fig. 8.4. The ML-NSL deviation is 22.9% which is 6.9° greater than normal

Fig. 8.5. The SNB deviation is 9.4% which is less than normal by 7.4°

Based on these results, it is possible to conclude that the patient has gnathic abnormalities.

Fig. 8.6. The ML-NL deviation is 13.2% which is 2.8° greater than normal

Fig. 8.7. «Hasund Dental Harmony Assessment) program archive

The results of processing the orthodontic parameters of the patient are stored in the program archive for possible use (Fig. 8.7).

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Chapter 8 Computer Program «Hasund Dental Harmony Assessment»
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