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Chapter 4 Anthropometric Analysis of Dentitions Using 3D Digital Technology

Anthropometric evaluation of the shape and size of the dentition occupies an important place in the analysis of the dentofacial system. Pont's, Korkhaus' and Tonn's methods are known for estimating the size of the dentition. These methods are based on the principle of the dependence of the size of the dentitions on the mesiodistal dimensions of the teeth.

The analysis of dentition sizes is based on comparing their parameters in anomalies of occlusion with these parameters in normal occlusion. It is necessary to compare a lot of numerical data arranged in different tables. With large amounts of data, this problem is solved with the help of computer technology.

Nowadays, there are many programs for working with virtual 3D dentition models [OrthoCAD (Cadent, Carlstadt,

NJ), DDP-Ortho (OrthoLab, Poznan, Poland), DigiModel

(OrthoProof, Nieuwegein)] and others. For these programs, the input data are files of digital 3-dimensional images of objects.

Three-dimensional digital images of the teeth, obtained from plaster casts, are made on 3D imaging scanners designed for this purpose, which are now widespread. After scanning the image files are imported into the program used to perform measurements and calculations (Fig. 4.1).

Fig. 4.1. View of the digital diagnostic model in DDP-Ortho

DDP-Ortho Computer Program

The DDP-Ortho software provides the user with a wide range of options for performing measurements and basic analyses on digital models.

Measurements made by computer programs are characterized by high accuracy and ease of execution. Due to the unique capabilities of computer technology, it is possible to perform measurements that are difficult to perform by hand (analysis of dental segments, assessment of symmetry).

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