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In recent years, the number of patients with dentofacial anomalies and deformities has significantly increased, and if previously it was children and adolescents, now the adult population has joined them. The dentofacial anomalies are detected in 70% of the pediatric population and 30% of adults. Previously, it was possible to assess the presence of anomalies in a single direction, but now their combination in two and three directions prevails and not only anomalies of occlusion but also anomalies of dental development, as well as anomalies of jawbone development are detected.

Orthodontists have become aware of the limits of their professional capabilities and often work together with surgeons using orthognathic surgery techniques. The use of computer technology allows the doctor to make the right decision in the presence of a large amount of diagnostic data. Therefore, we decided to introduce modern diagnostic methods for dentofacial anomalies using computer technology. The existence of an orthodontic medical history approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation contributes to solving the problems that orthodontists face.

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