The concept of electronics is widespread at present. As a technical science, electronics is primarily based on the achievements of physics. We can definitely say that without electronic equipment, it is nowadays impossible to diagnose diseases nor to administer their effective treatment. In this section, we deal only with some other important aspects of general and medical electronics as well as the most essential medical electronic equipment. Some instruments and devices of medical electronics are considered in other sections.
Chapter 20
Content of general and medical electronics
In this chapter, along with presentation of the content of electronics, we consider problems of electrical safety and reliability of medical electronic equipment.
Physics, like any other science, was developing and is developing in connection with the needs of society; its progress is motivated by practical tasks. In turn, development of physics contributes to solution of practical tasks including technical problems. For example, due to achievements in the field of electromagnetic phenomena research, corresponding branches of technology have developed rapidly: electrical and radio engineering. Gradually, many sections of radio-engineering start to be called radio electronics or simply electronics.
The term electronics is conventional to a great extent, it is difficult to give it a clear definition. Maybe, the most correct understanding of electronics is as a field of science and technology, which deals with operation and application of vacuum, ans solid-state ionic devices.
In the broad sense of the word, electronics (general electronics) can be divided either into groups according to its application, according to the class of devices used, or the category of theoretical questions. Therefore, there are physical electronics, referring to the section of physics dealing with electrical conductance of bodies, contact, thermoelectronic phenomena; technical electronics describes the structure of devices and instruments and their connection diagrams; semiconductor electronics deals with application of semiconductor devices, etc.