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UNIT 15. Babycare


Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

1. What is the breastfeeding?

2. How often do new parents call the doctor?

3. Is it difficult to understand the baby?s needs?

Exercise 2. Describe the meaning of the proverb: "The first days of caring for their newborn baby can be overwhelming".

Exercise 3. Read the text and say if the following statements are true (T) or

false (F).

1. Newborns require more specific and special care.

2. The baby should be handled carefully to inhibit natural movements of her or his arms and legs.

3. Babies typically have sensitive skin.

4. The newborn can be bathed immediately after birth.

5. Most newborns will sleep more than they do anything else (as much as 12 to 18 hours a day).

6. Diapers should be changed when wet or soiled to prevent skin rashes.

7. The breast-feeding is one method to meet the baby?s nutritional needs.

8. Breast milk contains all the nutrients a normal child needs to develop and thrive.


For many new parents, the first days of caring for their newborn baby can be overwhelming. Newborns require more specific and special care than even older babies do and a new parent can quickly feel they are out of their element. Learning how to bathe the baby and care for his or her umbilical cord, to understanding the infant?s sleep and wake cycles, the first few days of caring for a newborn can contain a lot of information. As time goes by, however, new parents will begin to understand baby?s needs.


There are some recommendations the doctors and nurses give to a new parents.

Holding the baby. A newborn's neck muscles are quite weak. When holding the baby, new parents should remember to support her or his back and head with the arm and hand. The baby should be handled carefully not to inhibit natural movements of her or his arms and legs.

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