The lifestyle in the philosophical and sociological sense covers the totality of typical types of life of an individual, social group, society as a whole in unity with living conditions. That is, the division of environmental factors into natural and social is relatively, since the former act on a person in certain social conditions, and often are significantly denatured as a result of industrial and economic activities of people. However, from scientific and cognitive standpoint, such division is justified.
Why is there so much interest in lifestyle? According to WHO experts, human health depends on the following components:
• lifestyle - 52-55%;
• environment state - 22-25%;
• genetic predisposition -18-20%;
• healthcare - 8-10%.
From the above data it follows that more than 50% success or failure in maintaining high potential for human health is determined by his lifestyle. And this success awaits him only if it is a healthy lifestyle.
Healthy lifestyle is a behavior based on scientifically based sanitary and hygienic standards, aimed to maintain and strengthen health; these are typical forms and methods of everyday life that strengthen and improve the reserve capabilities of a person, thereby ensuring the successful fulfillment of his social and professional functions regardless of political, economic and social situations. If you try to express this concept very briefly, then healthy lifestyle
is a combination of hygienic (i.e., promoting health) norms and rules implemented in the lifestyle of a person (fig. 11.1).
Fig. 11.1. Elements of person?s lifestyle
Given the multifaceted nature of such phenomenon as healthy lifestyle, the doctor should examine the person?s personality, living conditions, habits and hobbies before giving certain recommendations.