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Instrumental methods of research play an important role in the additional examination of the patient. You can determine the state of the internal organs of a person with the help of special apparatuses: position, size, structure, functions, and also reveal foreign bodies, and tumors. In addition to a thorough clinical examination of patients, for establishing a definitive diagnosis and choosing a method of treatment, it is necessary to conduct a number of special instrumental investigation methods.

Instrumental diagnostic methods can be invasive or non-invasive, that is, with the penetration of instruments (sensors) into human organs (gastro-fibroscopy) or without penetration.

Functional diagnostics is a branch of medicine dealing with mainly non-invasive diagnosis of diseases of organs and body systems, and assessment of the functionality of the damaged organs, systems and the whole body.

Functional diagnostics is used to detect diseases in preclinical stage (that is, when the disease does not bother the patient).

Endoscopic research

Endoscopy is a method of visual examination of the cavities and channels of the body with the help of special optical instruments (endoscopes) equipped with fibrous optics. An endoscope is a flexible tube with an attached camera. An endoscopy is a procedure in which the doctor uses specialized instruments to view and operate on the internal organs and vessels of the body.

There are such types of endoscopy as:

- arthroscopy;

- bronchoscopy;

- colonoscopy;

- cystoscopy;

- enteroscopy;

- hysteroscopy;

- laparoscopy;

- laryngoscopy;

- mediastinoscopy;

- upper gastrointestinal endoscopy;

- ureteroscopy.

Bronchoscopy is used to examine the lungs. The scope is inserted into the nose or mouth.

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