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Medical Microbiology, Virology, Immunology : textbook. Vol. 1
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Table of contents
Chapter 1. Introduction to microbiology and immunology (V.N. Tsarev)
1.1. The subject of medical microbiology
1.2. Objectives and methods of medical microbiology
1.3. Discovery of microbes and study of the microbial world
Revision tasks (for self-control)
Chapter 2. Microbial morphology and classification
2.1. Microbial systematics and nomenclature (E.P. Pashkov, L.I. Petrova)
2.2. Bacterial classification and morphology
2.2.1. Morphological forms of bacteria
2.2.2. Bacterial cell structure
2.2.3. Structural features of spirochetes, rickettsia, chlamydia, actinomyces and mycoplasma
2.3. Structure and classification of fungi (A.S. Bykov)
2.4. Structure and classification of protozoa (A.S. Bykov)
2.5. Structure and classification of viruses (A.S. Bykov)
Revision tasks (for self-control)
Chapter 3. Microbial physiology
3.1. Bacterial physiology (M.N. Boichenko, V.V. Tets)
3.1.1. Nutrition in bacteria
3.1.2. Bacterial enzymes
3.1.3. Energy metabolism
3.1.4. Structural metabolism
3.1.5. Substance transfer
3.1.6. Regulation of bacterial metabolism
3.1.7. Morphogenesis of bacteria and bacterial communities
3.1.8. Secondary metabolism
3.1.9. Attitude to environmental factors
3.1.10. Growth and reproduction
3.1.11. Conditions for bacterial culturing
3.1.12. Bacterial behavior in bacterial communities
3.2. Viral physiology (V.V. Zverev, A.S. Bykov)
3.2.1. Productive virus-cell interaction
3.2.2. Programmed cell death (apoptosis)
3.2.3. Nonproductive infections
3.3. Viral cultivation
3.4. Bacteriophages (bacterial viruses)
Revision tasks (for self-control)
Chapter 4. Microbial ecology - microecology
4.1. The spread of microbes (A.S. Bykov, E.P. Pashkov)
4.1.1. Role of microorganisms in the cycle of matter in nature
4.1.2. Soil microflora
4.1.3. Water microflora
4.1.4. Air microflora
4.1.5. Microflora of household and medical facilities
4.2. Human microflora (L.I. Kafarskaya, A.S. Bykov)
4.3. Elimination of microbes in the environment (V.B. Sboychakov)
4.3.1. Disinfection
4.3.2. Sterilization
4.3.3. Asepsis and antisepsis
4.4. Sanitary microbiology (V.B. Sboychakov)
4.4.1. Sanitary-microbiological study of water
4.4.2. Sanitary-microbiological study of soil
4.4.3. Assessment of microbial content of aerial environment
4.4.4. Sanitary-microbiological control in food supply facilities
Revision tasks (for self-control)
Chapter 5. Microbial genetics (M.N. Boichenko)
5.1. Bacterial genome structure
5.1.1. Bacterial chromosome
5.1.2. Bacterial plasmids
5.1.3. Mobile genetic elements
5.1.4. Integrons
5.1.5. Pathogenicity islands (PAIs)
5.1.6. Systems for regulating gene expression. Protection against foreign deoxyribonucleic acid
5.2. Mutations in bacteria
5.3. Recombination in bacteria
5.3.1. Homologous recombination
5.3.2. Site-specific recombination
5.3.3. Illegitimate or replicative recombination
5.4. Transfer of genetic information in bacteria
5.4.1. Conjugation
5.4.2. Transduction
5.4.3. Transformation
5.5. Specific aspects of viral genetics
5.6. Use of genetic methods in the diagnosis of infectious diseases
5.6.1. Methods for the intraspecific identification of bacteria
5.6.2. Methods for microbial identification without isolation in pure culture
5.6.2. The basics of genetic engineering
Revision tasks (for self-control)
Chapter 6. Antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents
6.1. Antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents (L.I. Kafarskaya, N.V. Davydova, N.V. Horoshko)
6.1.1. Antibiotics
6.1.2. Synthetic antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents
6.2. Mechanisms of action of antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents effective against cellular forms of microorganisms
6.2.1. Inhibitors of synthesis and functions of bacterial cell wall
6.2.2. Inhibitors of bacterial protein synthesis
6.2.3. Inhibitors of nucleic acid synthesis
6.2.4. Inhibitors of cytoplasmic membrane functions
6.2.5. Collateral effects on microorganisms
6.3. Medicinal resistance of bacteria
6.3.1. Natural resistance
6.3.2. Acquired resistance
6.3.3. The genetic basis for acquired resistance
6.3.4. Implementation of the acquired resistance
6.4. Assessment of bacterial sensitivity to antibiotics
6.5. Complications of antimicrobial chemotherapy in the macroorganism
Revision tasks (for self-control)
Chapter 7. The infection study (O.V. Bukharin)
7.1. Infection. Forms of infectious process
7.2. Driving forces for infectious process
7.3. Role of a pathogen in the infectious process and its main biological characteristics
7.3.1. Virulence factors
7.3.2. Pathogenic factors of infectious agents
7.3.3. Genetics of bacterial virulence
7.4. Role of a microorganism in the infectious process
7.4.1. Anatomical and physiological barriers in infection
7.5. Role of the environment in the infectious process
Revision tasks (for self-control)
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