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Section 1. General Psychopathology

1. Anesthesia is:

a) painful sensations that do not always have distinct localisation;

b) distorted perception of certain properties of objects and phenomena;

c) lack of sensitivity;

d) sensory perception disorder;

e) all of the above.

2. Derealization is:

a) painful sensations that do not always have distinct localisation;

b) distorted perception of certain properties of objects and phenomena;

c) sensory perception disorder;

d) indisposition caused by the innervation zone;

e) all of the above.

3. Paresthesias are:

a) distorted perception of certain properties of objects and phenomena;

b) lack of sensitivity;

c) sensory perception disorder;

d) indisposition caused by the innervation zone;

e) all of the above.

4. Psychosensory disorders are:

a) painful sensations that do not always have distinct localisation;

b) distorted perception of certain properties of objects and phenomena;

c) lack of sensitivity;

d) sensory perception disorder;

e) all of the above.

5. Senestopathies are:

a) painful sensations that do not always have distinct localisation;

b) distorted perception of certain properties of objects and phenomena;

c) lack of sensitivity;

d) sensory perception disorder;

e) all of the above.

6. Which of the following is an irrefutable evidence of presence of hallucinations in a patient?

a) motor excitement;

b) the patient does not understand what is going on;

c) the patient's speech addressed to the absent interlocutor;

d) pretentious grimaces;

e) all of the above.

7. Indicate the symptoms, which appear in the patient who does not keep in their mind actual events, nevertheless, at the same time they tells about what could not have happened with them:

a) retrograde amnesia and delusions;

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