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Sociology of medicine enters into a new stage of its development characterized with revaluation of numerous approaches and directions yielding novel interpretations to the political and cultural changes in the healthcare system. The changes in scientific paradigms, methodological pluralism, and interdisciplinary approach capable to incorporate the diverse methods and methodologies promote attaining novel and possibly extraordinary vital social aims.

In the time of social structural transformations and the related social changes, it is especially important to analyze the complex processes underlying modernization of medicine, which is one of the most important institutions of society. It is equally important to promptly take into consideration the full spectrum of influences produced by social activities and their impact on the development of medical science and education, organization of medical aid, population mobility, and the overall healthcare system in the Russian Federation (RF).

At this stage, it is necessary to assess the contribution made by sociology of medicine in understanding the social nature of modern activity aimed to improve the healthcare standards. Sociology of medicine in our country should carefully analyse and select the theoretical guidelines and socially important avenues of medico-sociological studies.

The novel socioeconomic conditions stress the importance and necessity to impart a novel momentum to sociology of medicine in the RF. This branch of science focuses on the integrated personalities within the context of medico-sociological environment. Moreover, this science can make important contribution to the development of adequate views and understanding of the health and disease realities in modern society. In our country, sociology of medicine possesses the adequate potential to meet this challenging task. Numerous domestic studies carried out during the past decades match the modern high-end level of investigations currently performed in this field in Europe and the USA. During the last decade, 21 doctor and 165 candidate theses were defended in the RF on sociology of medicine.

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