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ACS - Automated Control System

ALS - Average Life Span

ALE - Average Life Expectancy

ASMR - Age Specific Mortality Rate

BAB - Born-Alive Babies

BMI - Budget Medical Institution

CSMR - Cause Specific Mortality Rate

CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States

CIS - Corporate Information System

CNS - Central Nervous System

DTC - Diagnostic and Treatment Center

ESO - Empirical Scheme of Object

FLE - Favorable Life Expectance

FTD - First Time Disabled

GDP - Gross Domestic Product

GHI - General Health Index

GP - General Practitioner

HDI - Human Development Index

HSP - Health Service Provider

IHD - Ischemic Heart Disease

ILE - Ideal Life Expectancy

KettleW-H - Kettle's Weight-Height (index)

LEB - Life Expectancy at Birth

LLC - Long-Life Conception

MCC - Medical Commercial Company

MIA - Medical Insurance Agency

MMI - Mandatory Medical Insurance

MOS - Medical Outcomes Study

OSC - Outpatient Clinic Substation

PHI - Physical Health Index

PHI - Population Health Index

PHL - Population Health Level

PHR - Population Health Reserves

PMP - Private Medical Practice

PTC - Prevention-and-Treatment Clinic

PWC - Physical Working Capacity

RF - Russian Federation

SMPH - Summary Measures of Population Health

TASR - Tendency to Adopt a Sick Role

TDP - Total number of Dead Persons (died within a given period)

VC - Vital Capacity (of the lungs)

VMI - Voluntary Medical Insurance

WHO - World Health Organization

W/S - Workstation

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