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Antiseptics and disinfectants are of great importance. They are used in the treatment of infected wounds, microbial lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, water and food treatment, disinfection of hospital instruments, linen, etc.

Antiseptics and disinfectants should possess a broad spectrum of activity against bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi; they should have a short latent period and high activity in the presence of biological substrates. It is also important that the preparations should be chemically stable and technologically and financially accessible.

Antiseptics should meet the following important requirements: an absence of local negative (for example, irritating) effect on tissues, minimal absorption from the site of application, low toxicity and allergenicity.

Disinfectants should not damage the materials that are being treated (change the colour, lead to metal corrosion, etc.). The absence of an offensive odour is desirable.

Phenol coefficient (the ratio between the concentrations of phenol and the antiseptic under test, in which both substances provide equal antimicrobial effect) is a common measure of antiseptic activity.

The mechanisms of action of different antiseptics and disinfectants vary; they may include protein denaturation, impairment of plasma membrane permeability and inhibition of the enzymes which are required for the vital activity of microbes.

According to their chemical structures, these preparations fall into the following groups.

• Detergents

- Cerigelum

• Derivatives of nitrofuran

- Nitrofural

• Group of phenol and its derivatives

- Phenol

- Resorcinum

- Birch tar

• Dues

- Brilliant green

- Methyline blue

- Ethacridine

• Halogens

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