1. Electrophoresis of blood serum proteins on paper (p. 16)
Electrophoresis is the ability of electrically charged proteins to move in the electric field. In electrophoresis protein molecules separate from each other due to differences in their net charge: molecules with a positive net charge migrate toward the cathode, molecules with a negative net charge move toward the anode, molecules with no net charge do not migrate at all. In elec-trophoretic division we use both special paper and veronal buffer with pH 8.6. Almost all proteins of blood serum at this pH value have a net negative charge and migrate toward the anode. The band resulting after specific treatment shows a few fractions:
Quantitative analysis of protein fractions on an electrophoretic band is made by photocolorimetriy or densitometry. The percentage ratio of blood serum proteins is called proteinogram.
A healthy person's proteinogram looks like this:
albumins - 53-62%;
α1-globulins - 2.7-5%;
α2-globulins - 7.4-10%;
β-globulins - 11-15%; γ-globulins 15-21%. Albumin blood level:
► is increased in dehydration, shock, hemoconcentration, etc.;
► is decreased in malnutrition, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic hepatic failure, tumor, leukemia, etc.
Globulin blood level:
► is increased in hepatic viral hepatitis type A, liver cirrhosis, biliary cirrhosis, hemochromatosis (hemosiderosis), systemic lupus erythema-tosus, interstitial plasma cell myeloma, sarcoidosis, acute and chronic infectious diseases; particularly in lymphogranuloma due to venereal disease, typhus, leishmaniasis, malaria, etc.;
► is decreased in starvation, congenital agammaglobulinemia, acquired hypogammaglobulinemia, lymphatic leukemia, etc.
2. Quantitative analysis of glucose in human blood serum (p. 55)