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Questions for study.

1. Hormones: their definition, classification, and biological significance. Regulation of secretion.

2. Mechanisms of hormone action. Target organs. Receptors. Second messengers.

3. Protein hormones, their classification according to their effects on the cell (cAMP-mediated pathway; cGMP-mediated pathway, phos-phatidylinositol cascade, tyrosine kinase-associated pathway). Views on mechanisms of formation of cell response to these hormones.

4. Steroid and thyroid hormones: intracellular mechanism of regulatory effects on metabolism.

5. Hypothalamic hormones, their releasing factors and biological significance. Regulation of secretion. Hypothalamic hormones stored in the posterior pituitary: their representatives, structure, and biological significance. Diabetes insipidus.

6. Hormones of anterior pituitary gland. Tropic hormones: their structure and biological effects. Regulation of secretion. Disorder of secretion: dwarfism, gigantism and acromegaly.

7. Hormones of pancreas. Insulin: its structure, synthesis, regulation of secretion, mechanism of regulatory effects on metabolism. Diabetes mel-litus.

8. Glucagon: its structure, regulation of secretion, mechanism of regulatory effects on metabolism.

9. Thyroid hormones, their classification. Thyroxin and triiodothyronine: their synthesis and catabolism. Regulatory effects. Mechanism of their action. Calcitonin.

10. Disorder of thyroid hormone secretion. Hypothyroidism and hyper-thyroidism.

11. Parathyriod hormones: their structure and biological significance. Hy-poparathyroidism.

12. Adrenal medullary hormones. Epinephrine and norepinephrine: their structure, mechanism of synthesis and degradation, physiological effects. Modern views on their effect on the cell.

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