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Chapter 14. Diseases of the newborns
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Table of contents
Chapter 1. Fertilization, implantation and organogenesis
Chapter 2. Physiological changes during pregnancy
Chapter 3. Antenatal and postpartum care
Chapter 4. Diagnostics of pregnancy. Bstimation of gestational age and expected date of delivery. Methods of examination
Chapter 5. Female pelvis in obstetrics. Fetus in labor
Chapter 6. Origins of labor onset
Chapter 7. Mechanism of labor in cephalic (vertex) presentation
Chapter 8. Clinics and management of labor in vertex presentation
Chapter 9. Obstetrical anesthesia
Chapter 10. Breech presentation
Chapter 11. Physiology of postpartum period
Chapter 12. Postpartum complications
Chapter 13. Physiology of neonate
Chapter 14. Diseases of the newborns
Chapter 15. Hemolytic disease of fetus and newborn
Chapter 16. Multiple pregnancy
Chapter 17. Abnormal labor
Chapter 18. Hemorrhage in obstetrics
Chapter 19. Early toxicosis - hyperemesis gravidarum
Chapter 20. Preeclampsia
Chapter 21. Miscarriage. premature (preterm) birth
Chapter 22. Pregnancy, labor and postpartum period in women with extragenital diseases
Chapter 23. Postterm pregnancy
Chapter 24. Abnormal fetal lie and presentation
Chapter 25. Contracted pelvis
Chapter 26. Maternal obstetric trauma
Chapter 27. Operative obstetrics
Answers to tests and clinical situations
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