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The present edition is the second part of a University textbook in Obstetrics and Gynecology in accordance with State educational standards of the USA and the Russian Federation and corresponding syllabi. The first part, Gynecology, published in 20141 is now one of most popular textbooks; it is in demand among both medical students and a broad spectrum of medical specialists in the system of continuing medical education. The modern paradigm of educational innovations including the interactive approach to learning that revolutionized the teaching of the twenty first century has turned the tide on the old paternalist teaching method of 'do as I do' and required an active, independent search for sources and knowledge on the part of the student in accordance with the obligatory requirements of the syllabi.

The present textbook was written in accordance with the Federal educational standard of the Russian Federation and the syllabi for the course of Obstetrics in the USA and Great Britain. It stands out among similar textbooks in that it offers an integral approach to the system of modern knowledge in obstetrics and perinatology.

The textbook can be of use to international students studying in Russia as well as Russian students who plan to have their diplomas recognized abroad and to seek employment overseas. The structure of the textbook, presentation of material, recourse to the international classification of disease, the illustrative material, several stages of self-check tasks at the end of each section - all these features provide for a better assimilation of the material, give insight into the advantages of the training system in this country and, at the same time, preparation for certification abroad.

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