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Introduction to Dentistry
Lesson 7. Dental ergonomics
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Table of contents
Lesson 1. Introduction to dentistry. Goals and objectives of dentistry, its history. Ethics and deontology
Lesson 2. Structure of the specialty, goals and objectives dentistry. Organization of a dental clinic, department, office. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and equipment of a dental office
Lesson 3. Equipment of the dental office. Types of dental units and handpieces
Lesson 4. Dental instruments for examination and basic treatment
Lesson 5. Disinfection and sterilization
Lesson 6. Safety rules when working with dental equipment. Care and maintenance of dental equipment. Emergency situations in dental practice
Lesson 7. Dental ergonomics
Lesson 8. General anatomy of teeth. Eruption of permanent teeth. Histological structure, chemical composition and functions of hard dental tissues
Lesson 9. Special anatomy of permanent teeth. Dentition. Dental arches and their shape
Lesson 10. Special teeth anatomy. Upper incisors
Lesson 11. Special teeth anatomy. Lower incisors
Lesson 12. Special teeth anatomy. Canines
Lesson 13. Special teeth anatomy. Upper premolars
Lesson 14. Special teeth anatomy. Lower premolars
Lesson 15. Special teeth anatomy. Lower molars
Lesson 16. Special teeth anatomy. Upper molars
Lesson 17, Prevention of dental disease. Oral hygiene
Control questions
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