Learning objective: to familiarize students with the goals and objectives facing dentistry, the structure of dentistry, and the history of dentistry.
Dentistry or Stomatology (Latin) (from the Greek stoma - mouth, logos - teaching) is a medical discipline dealing with the study of the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases of the teeth, jaws and other oral cavity organs, their diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Propaedeutics (from the Greek pro -before, pedia - training) - pre-teaching.
Dentistry. Maxillofacial Surgery
Initially dental services were provided by barbers, bath attendants and artisans.
The history of dentistry as a medical specialty dates back to the late 17th - early 18th centuries, which is due to the works of the outstanding French physician P. Fochard (fig. 1.1), who rejected the «theory of worms» and began to fill teeth with lead foil.
The development of artificial gold crowns, filling teeth with silver amalgam, and later the use of arsenic acid for necrotic pulp (1836), and the invention of a drill finally approved the specialty of Dentistry.
1810 passing of the law granting the right to dental practice to those who received a doctor's degree.
1836 a law was issued in which the title of «dentist» and the right to independent work was granted after passing the examinations at the Medical Academy.
1881 in St. Petersburg, V.I. Vanshinsky founded the first Dental school in Russia.
1882 a dental school was organized in Moscow by I.M. Kovarsky.
1883 the first Dentists' scientific society in Russia was organized in St. Petersburg.
Fig. 1.1. P. Fochard
1885 the publication Dentist's Herald was established.
1889 Moscow Dental Society establishes its own magazine «Odontological review».