Surface landmarks. The symphysis, the pubic tubercle, the anterior superior iliac spine, the greater trochanter of femur, epicondyles of femur, the patella, and the sar-torius.
Limits: the superior limit is the line connecting spina iliaca anterior superior and the pubic tubercle (the projective line of the inguinal ligament); the lateral one is the line drawn from this spine to the lateral epicondyle of femur; the medial - the line going from the pubic symphysis to the medial epicondyle of femur; the inferior one - the transverse line drawn 6 cm upward of the patella.
Projections. The inguinal ligament, lig. inguinale [Poupart's] is projected along the line connecting the spina iliaca anterior superior and the tuberculum pu-bicum. The femoral artery, a. femoralis, is projected along the line drawn from the middle of the inguinal ligament to the medial epicondyle of femur in a position with the leg slightly bent in the knee joint and abducted (the line of Ken) (fig. 3.1).
Fig. 3.1. The projection line of the femoral artery according to Ken
The femoral vein is projected internal of the artery, and the femoral nerve - external of it. The anterior cutaneous nerves of thigh exit along the line corresponding to the direction of the sartorius.
In the anterior region of thigh, they mark these practically important structures: the femoral [Scarpa's] triangle, femoral canal, obturator and adductor canals.
Femoral triangle, trigonum femorale
The femoral triangle, or Scarpa's, is limited from the lateral side by the sartorius, from the medial one - by the adductor longus; its top is formed by cross of these muscles, and the base - by the inguinal ligament. The height of the femoral triangle is