I. What conditions may be accompanied by an increased production of erythropoietin?
1. Chronic exogenous hypoxia.
2. Arterial hypertension.
3. Hemolytic anemia.
4. Acidosis.
5. Polycythemia.
6. Circulatory hypoxia.
7. Heavy smocking.
8. Chronic blood loss.
II. What type of anemia occurs in deficiency of intrinsic factor?
1. Hemolytic.
2. The vitamin B12 deficiency.
3. Folic acid deficiency.
4. Iron deficiency.
5. Aplastic.
III. What factors and conditions may cause iron deficiency anemia?
1. Deficiency of intrinsic factor.
2. A decreased production of hydrochloric acid by gastric mucosa.
3. An increased iron demands.
4. Depletion of intrinsic iron stores.
5. Impairment of folic acid activation.
6. Deficiency of vitamin B12.
7. Chronic blood loss.
IV. What factors and conditions may cause megaloblastic anemia?
1. Malabsorption.
2. Intrinsic factor deficiency.
3. Pregnancy.
4. Diet deficientcy in folic acid.
5. Gastrectomy.
6. Chronic blood loss.
7. Whole-body irradiation.
V. Choose the main causes of hemolytic anemia.
1. Transfusion of mismatched blood.
2. Intravenous injection of hypertonic solutions.
3. Severe hemorrhage.
4. Malaria.
5. Synthesis of hemoglobin S.
6. Defective spectrin.
7. Insufficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in erythrocytes.
VI. Hypoproliferative anemia with normal maturation of the red blood cells is characterized by the following patterns:
1. Low reticulocyte production.
2. Hyperchromia.
3. Normochromia.
4. Hypochromia.
5. Microcytosis.
6. Macrocytosis.
7. Normocytosis.
VII. Which of the following statements concerning sickle cell anemia is true?
1. It does not produce splenomegaly.
2. It results from a decreased hemoglobin synthesis.
3. It protects against malaria.