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Экологически безопасная продукция
Chapter 5. Quality of food products
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Table of contents
Chapter 1. Ecology-social problems of quality productions in Russia
Chapter 2. Physiological requirements of the people in food substances
Chapter 3. Quality of plant-growing productions
Chapter 4. Quality of stock-breeding productions
Chapter 5. Quality of food products
5.1. Quality of flour and bread
5.2. Oils and fats
5.2.1. Margarine
5.2.2. Pig fat
5.2.3. Soft oil
5.3. Quality of meat and meat products
5.4. Milk and milk products
5.5. Eggs
5.6. Fish
5.7. Honey
5.8. Fruits and berry
5.9. Juices and drinks
5.10. Beer
5.11. Makes of wine and vodka
5.12. Fungus
5.13. Tobacco
5.14. Water
Chapter 6. Dietetic and medicinal characteristic of productions
Chapter 7. Changing of quality products by custody and conversion
Chapter 8. Contamination substances in environment and quality productions
Test of tasks
Appendix 1. The maps ecologically safety of plant productions
Appendix 2. The maps ecologically safety of stock-breeding productions
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