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Религия и искусство в межкультурной коммуникации
Appendix 4. Major Orthodox Church Holidays
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Table of contents
Unit 1. Major Religions of the World
Unit 2. The Book of Books
Unit 3. Biblical Idioms
Unit 4. Spiritual Poetry and Music
Unit 5. Bible Stories in Paintings
Unit 6. Religious Art in the National Gallery
Unit 7. Icons and Iconography
Unit 8. Ecclesiastical Architecture
Unit 9. Tour of Tomsk Churches
Unit 10. Feasts and Fasts
Unit 11. Lives of Saints
Unit 12. Religion in the RF, the UK and the USA
Appendix 1. List of Abbreviations of Biblical Books
Appendix 2. Most Common Biblical Idioms
Appendix 3. Names of Some Icons of the Mother of God
Appendix 4. Major Orthodox Church Holidays
Appendix 5. Titles of the Russian Orthodox Clergy and Their Forms of Address
Appendix 6. Russian-English Glossary of Religious Terms
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