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Английский язык. Практический курс
Additional reading
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Table of contents
Unit 1. Education
Unit 2. Telecommunication
Unit 3. Countries and cities
Unit 4. Famous people
Unit 5. Transport
Basic grammar terminology
List of irregular verbs
Additional reading
Unit 1
Text 1D. Some interesting facts about education from around the world
Text 1E. Try not to do things to others that you would not like them to do to you
Unit 2
Text 2D. What to do when you lose your cell phone
Text 2E. Some Interesting facts about telecommunication
Unit 3
Text 3D. Some interesting facts about Great Britain
Text 3E. Some interesting facts about Russia
Text 3F. The city of dream
Unit 4
Text 4D. Enigma of a genius
Text 4E. Levi Strauss and his invention for centuries
Unit 5
Text 5D. Some interesting facts about transport
Text 5E. Blue star
Test. Are you a reliable driver?
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