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Английский для программистов в строительной сфере
Text 15. А Website
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Table of contents
Предисловие автора
Text 1. The profession of а programmer
Text 2. The profession of а programmer in the building area
Text 3. The technological progress
Text 4. In the beginning
Text 5. The history of Microsoft
Text 6. The latest Russian programmers' achievements
Text 7. Programmers' achievements
Text 8. Bill Gates
Text 9. Man versus computer
Text 10. The Internet
Text 11. Computer games
Text 12. "1 love you" and other viruses
Text 13. Getting messages
Text 14. Тор 10 Best Designed Websites in the World
Text 15. А Website
Text 16. Computing languages
Text 17. Types of errors
Text 18. The first computers
Text 19. The history of РС
Text 20. The future of computers
Text 21. The end of civilization
Text 22. Blaise Pascal
Text 23. Gottfried Wilhelrn von Leibniz
Text 24. Charles Babbage
Text 25. Ada Lovelace
Text 26. Konrad Zuse
Text 27. Alan Turing
Text 28. The modern computer and its hardware
Text 29. Computer support in the building area (Videotaping, AutoCAD)
Text 30. The perspectives of the development of computer support in the building area
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