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Introduction to Intercultural Communication. Workbook (Введение в межкультурную коммуникацию
Chapter 3. Geert Hofstede and his classification of cultures
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Table of contents
Chapter 1. Major terms of intercultural communication (culture, communication). History of ICC
Chapter 2. Classification of cultures by Edward Hall
Chapter 3. Geert Hofstede and his classification of cultures
Lesson 1. Geert Hofstede’s theory review
Lesson 2. Synthetic cultures
Chapter 4. Value orientations (Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck) and Parsons’ pattern variables
Chapter 5. Cross-cultural analysis of values and norms
Chapter 6. Sociocultural influences on ICC: self- and group identity. Ethnocentrism. Stereotype and prejudice. Political correctness. The issue of national character
Chapter 7. Space and time perception across cultures
Chapter 8. Encoding and decoding messages. Attributions. Cognitive styles. Patterns of thinking. Contrastive rhetoric. Culture and language. Verbal communication. Non-verbal communication
Chapter 9. From cross-cultural studies to ICC proper: theories of intercultural communication. Intercultural communication competence. Conflict resolution across cultures and in intercultural contexts
Chapter 10. Acculturation. Culture shock theories
Supplement 1. Cross-cultural dialogues and critical incidents
Supplement 2. Text bank
Supplement 3. Authentic documents bank
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