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Sports Law in Russia: Monograph
Chapter 3. Actors of sport
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Table of contents
Chapter 1. Sport as an area of legal regulation
Chapter 2. Governance of the elements of sport
Chapter 3. Actors of sport
§ 1. Legal status of sport federations. Types of sport federations (associations), their objectives. Development and management of a sport as the basic activity of sport federations
§ 2. Legal Status of Sport Clubs. Legal Status of Sport Leagues
1. Legal Status of Sport Clubs
2. Legal Status of Sport Leagues
§ 3. Legal Status of Athletes and Coaches
§ 4. Legal Status of Sport Physicians
§ 5. Legal status of Russian national sport teams
§ 6. Legal status of referees
§ 7. Organizations for sport training. Educational organizations in the field of physical culture and sports
1. Sport training stages
2. Federal sport training standards
§ 8. Agents in sport
1. Notion and description of a sports agent. Details of agency regulation in sport
2. Agency certifi cation (licensing, certifi cation, accreditation, registration) in the context of diff erent kinds of sports
§ 9. Legal status of foreign athletes and coaches
Chapter 4. Governing of sport events
Chapter 5. Off ences and responsibilities in the field of sport
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