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Океанические скарноиды
Chapter 1. Database deposits and parameters
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Table of contents
Chapter 1. Database deposits and parameters
Chapter 2. Mineral base of tungsten, molybdenum, tin of lead countries
Chapter 3. Description basic deposits of the oceanic skarnoids
Chapter 4. Description deposits of oceanic skarnoids of Russia
Chapter 5. Description deposits of oceanic skarnoids of foreign countries
Chapter 6. The main geological features of the model of the genesis, the types of depositss, search criteria and geological features of the largest stratiform deposits of class ocean skarnoids
Chapter 7. History and priorities of the Concept Ocean skarnoids
Chapter 8. Information about domestic ore provinces ocean skarnoids
Chapter 9. Information about foreign ore provinces ocean skarnoids
Chapter 10. The deposits, which have an affinity with skarnoidnymi deposits of tungsten, molybdenum and tin
Chapter 11. Issues of further development of the Concept Ocean skarnoids
Chapter 12. Perspective and identify some of the projects the largest deposits of oceanic skarnoids class
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