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Вступительный письменный экзамен по английскому языку. Учебные материалы, методические указания и рекомендации
Часть 2. Тренировочные материалы для подготовительной работы абитуриента
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Table of contents
Часть 1. Общие положения, методические указания и рекомендации
Часть 2. Тренировочные материалы для подготовительной работы абитуриента
2.1. Тексты для нулевого уровня
Text 1. Nightmarish Speed
Text 2. The Calendar
Text 3. The First Month of the Year
Text 4. The Dumb Beggar
Text 5. The Bell-Boy
Text 6. An English Tourist in Norway
Text 7. The Coat of Arms of Ireland
Text 8. The Dog and the Rooster (A fable by Easop)
Text 9. The Lion and the Mouse (A fable by Easop)
Text 10. Letters and Postage Rates
Text 11. Tea
Text 12. The Nobel Prize
Text 13. What TV Does to Children
Text 14. The First Language in the World
Text 15. English Names
Text 16. Gardening
Text 17. Fireplaces
Text 18. Character Through Handwriting
Text 19. The Story of Hindu Figures
Text 20. From the History of the Postal Service
2.2. Тексты для начального уровня
Text 1. Ancient Greece
Text 2. Languages of the World
Text 3. English - a World Language
Text 4. What is the Average Briton Like?
Text 5. The Earliest Men
Text 6. Cattle-breeding
Text 7. Knights
Text 8. Colonial Times. The Need for an Empire
Text 9. The Edwardian Town in 1905
Text 10. Houses and Homes
Text 11. British Law
Text 12. A Holiday in Great Britain
Text 13. Geoffrey Chaucer’s Works
Text 14. Shakespeare’s Biography
Text 15. The Fate of Shakespeare’s Plays
Text 16. America
Text 17. America. The Wild West
Text 18. Henry James
Text 19. Theodore Dreiser’s Themes
Text 20. Postwar American Literature
Text 21. The Root of All Evil?
2.3. Тексты для базового уровня
Text 1. Parts of Speech
Text 2. How to Practice Your Pronunciation
Text 3. The -nik Suffix
Text 4. ‘Black Speech’ and ‘White Speech’ in America
Text 5. Punctuation Marks
Text 6. Germanic Tribes and Their Languages
Text 7. The Story of Old English
Text 8. The Novel as a Genre
Text 9. On Tolstoy’s Stories
Text 10. Shakespeare and the Bible
Text 11. On Charles Dickens (by Peter Ackroyd)
Text 12. Jane Austen
Text 13. Walter Scott as an Inventor of the Historical Novel
Text 14. Walter Scott’s Work
Text 15. On Olivia Manning (by Susan Hill)
Text 16. On Anthony Powell (by Antonia Fraser)
Text 17. Art and Society
Text 18. Basic English
Text 19. The Image of Women in the Mass Media
Text 20. The Moth and the Star (by James Thurber)
Text 21. The Very Proper Gander (by James Thurber)
Text 22. The Seal Who Became Famous (by James Thurber)
Text 23. On Shopping in Britain (by George Mikes)
2.4. Тексты для продвинутого уровня
Text 1. Accents in Speech
Text 2. Education and RP
Text 3. Differences between American and British Pronunciation
Text 4. On the English Case System
Text 5. Differences between May and Might
Text 6. The in-, un- and non- Prefixes
Text 7. English Vocabulary
Text 8. The Spread of English
Text 9. Foreign Place-Names
Text 10. Euphemisms in Languages
Text 11. On the Use of Girl, Boy, Woman and Lady
Text 12. Mr, Mrs and Miss as Courtesy Titles
Text 13. The Use of the Hyphen
Text 14. The Past of English
Text 15. Language Development after the Norman Conquest
Text 16. The Dark Side of the Spread of English
Text 17. Computer Language and Its Influence on English
Text 18. Social Stratification of Language
Text 19. English Drama and Shakespeare
Text 20. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Attitude towards Life and His Characters
Text 21. Approaches to Foreign Language Acquisition
Часть 3. Образцы материалов для подготовки к вступительному экзамену на гуманитарные факультеты
Часть 4. Материалы для подготовки к вступительному экзамену на филологический факультет
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