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Применение нейроаксиальной анестезии у детей для периоперационной аналгезии
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Заболотский Д.В., Корячкин В.А. Ребенок и регионарная анестезия. Зачем? Куда? И как?
Регионарная анестезия и лечение острой боли.
2016; 10(4): 243–253.
Quincke H.
Die Lumbalpunction des Hydrocephalus.
Berlin KlinischeWochenschrift. 1891; 28: 929–33.
Cote C.J.; Lerman J.;
Anderson B.J..Cote and Lerman’s a practice
of anesthesia for infants and children. 5th ed.
2013; 835–880.
Davis P.J., Cladis F.P.
Smiths Anesthesia for Infants and Chil- d
ren. 2017; 461–512.
Brown T.C. History of pediatric regional anesthesia.
Paediatric Anaesthesia
. 2012; 22(1): 3–9.
Корячкин В.А.
Нейроаксиальные блокады
. СПб.: ЭЛБИ- СПб; 2017. 544 с.
Айзенберг В.Л.,Ульрих Г.Э., Цыпин Л.Е., Заболотский Д.В.
Регионарная анестезия в педиатрии: монография.
СПб.: СинтезБук; 2012. 304 с.
Peutrell J.M., Hughes D.G. Combined spinal and epidural an- aesthesia for inguinal hernia repair in babies.
Paediatric Anaes- thesia
. 1994; 4: 221–227
Williams R.K., McBride W.J., Abajian J.C. Combined spinal and epidural anaesthesia for major abdominal surgery in infants.
Can. J. Anaesthesia
. 1997; 44: 511–4.
Ecoffey C., Lacroix F., Giaufré E., Orliaguet G., Courrèges P.; AssociationdesAnesthésistesRéanimateursPédiatriquesd’ Ex- pression Française (ADARPEF). Epidemiology and morbidity of regional anesthesia in children: a follow-up one-year pro- spective survey of the French-Language Society of Paediat- ric Anaesthesiologists.
Paediatric Anaesthesia.
2010; 20 (12): 1061–9.
Polaner D.M., Taenzer A.H., Walker B.J. Pediatric Regional Anesthesia Network (PRAN): a multi-institutional study of the use and incidence of complications of pediatric regional anes- thesia.
Anesthesia Analgesia.
2012; 115(6): 1353–64.
Страшнов В.И.,Забродин О.Н., Мамедов А.Д., Страшнов А.В., Корячкин В.А..
Предупреждение интраоперационного стресса и его последствий.
СПб.: ЭЛБИ-СПб, 2015. - 160 с.
Russell P., von Ungern-Sternberg B.S., Schug S.A. Perioperative analgesia in pediatric surgery
. Current Opinion Anaesthesiol.
2013; 26(4): 420–427.
Marhofer P., Ivani G., Suresh S., et al. Every day regional anes- thesia in children.
Paediatric Anaesthesia.
2012; 22: 995–1001.
Kokki H. Spinal blocks.
Paediatric Anaesthesia.
2012; 22(1): 56–64.
Van Schoor A, Bosman MC, Bösenberg AT. The value of Tuff- ier’s line for neonatal neuraxial procedures.
Clin. Anat.
2014; 27: 370.
Polaner D.M., Walker B. J., Taenzer A. Pediatric Regional An- esthesia Network: a multi-institutional study of the use and incidence of complications of pediatric regional anesthesia.
Anesthesia Analgesia
. 2012; 115: 1353–1364.
Lees D., Frawley G., Taghavi K., Mirjalili S.A. A review of the surface and internal anatomy of the caudal canal in children.
Paediatric Anaesthesia
. 2014; 24(8): 799–805.
Lundblad M., Forestier J., Marhofer D., et al. Reduction of cere- bral mean blood flow velocity and oxygenation after high-vol- ume (1.5 ml kg(-)(1)) caudal block in infants.
2014; 113: 688–694.
Jöhr M. Regional anaesthesia in neonates, infants and children: an educational review.
2015; 32(5): 289-97.
Мархофер П.
Основы регионарной анестезии с ультразву-
ковой навигацией. Принципы и практическое применение. Издание второе.
2014. 236 с.
Wang A.C., Naidu J.O. et al. Son
ographically guided lum- bar puncture in pediatric patients.
J. Ultrasound. Med. 2013; 32(12): 2191–7.
Aggarwal A., Sahni D., Kaur H., Batra Y.K. The caudal space in fetuses: an anatomical study.
. 2012; 26(2): 206–12.
Samol N.B., Furstein J.S., Moore D L. Regional anesthesia and pain management for the pediatric patient. Int.
Anesthesiol. Clin.
2012; 50(4): 83–95.
Миллер, Р.
. СПб.: Человек, 2015. 3520 с.
Lönnqvist P.A. Toxicity of local anesthetic drugs: a pediatric. Adjuncts should always be used in pediatric regional anesthe- sia.
Pediatric Anaesthesia
. 2015; 25(1): 100–106.
Dalens B., Veyckemans F. Traitéd’AnesthésieLoco-Régionale, de la naissance à l’âgeadulte. Montpellier:
2008; 463–512.
Хомер Р. Уолкер И. Белл Г.
Интенсивнаятерапия и анестезия у детей. Практическое руководство
. 2017.182 с.
Лазарев В.В., ред.
Анестезия в детской практике: учебное пособие
. М.: МЕДпресс-информ. 2016; 119–124.
Practice Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting and the Use of Pharmacologic Agents to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary As- piration: Application to Healthy Patients Undergoing Elective Procedures An Updated Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Preoperative Fasting and the Use of Pharmacologic Agents to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration.
2017; 126: 376–93.
Langford R. The preparation of children for surgery. ATOTW. 2009; 132.
Taenzer A.H., Walker B.J., Bösenberg A.T. Asleep versus awake: does it matter? Pediatric regional block complications by patient state: A report from the pediatric regional anesthesia network.
Reg. Anesth. Pain Med.
2014; 39: 279.
Цыпин Л.Е., Овчинникова А.А. Оценка уровня сознания при анестезии у детей.
Вестник интенсивной терапии.
2016; 1: 12–16.
Hodgson P.S., Neal J.M., Pollock J.E., Liu S.S. The neurotoxicity of drugs given intrathecally (spinal).
Anesth. Analg.
1999; 88: 797–809.
Severinghaus J.W. Intrathecally, Caine may dis-Able. Reflec- tions on lidocaine for spinal anesthesia.
Acta Anaesthesiol. Scand. Suppl.
1998; 113: 3–7.
Shulte-Steiberg O.
Vorsuge der regional anästhesia gegen uber Allgemeinanasthesie
. Hrsg H. Albrecht. – Stuttgart. 1981; 5–13.
Verghese S.T., Hannallah R.S. Acute pain management in chil- dren.
Pain Res.
2010; 3: 105–123.
Уколов К.Ю., Айзенберг В.Л., Аржакова Н.И. Эпидуральная аналгезия морфином при оперативном лечении сколиоза.
Вестник интенсивной терапии.
2017; 1: 32–36.
Ражев С.В., Степаненко С.М., Лешкевич А.И., Геодокян О.С., Агавелян Э.Г.
Этюды регионарной анестезии у детей.
М., 2001. – 192 с.
Агавелян Э.Г.
Каудальная эпидуральная анестезия комбинацией бупивакаина и промедола у детей
: Дис.......................................................................... канд. мед. наук. М., 1996.
Cupta A., Saha U. Spinal anesthesia in children: A review.
Anaesthesiolog. Clin. Pharmacol.
2014; 30(1): 10–18.
Arthrus O.J., Murray M., Zubier M., Tooley J., Kelsall W. Ultra- songraphic determination of neonatal spinal canal depth.
Arch. Dis. Child Fetal Neonatal. Ed.
2008; 93: 451–4.
Zabolotskii D.V., Koryachkin V.A. A child and regional anes- thesia. What for? Where? And how? Regionarnaya anestezi- ya i lechenie ostroy boli.
Регионарная анестезия и лечение острой боли.
2016; 10(4): 243–253. (in Russian).
Quincke H.
Die Lumbalpunction des Hydrocephalus.
Berlin KlinischeWochenschrift. 1891; 28: 929–33.
Cote C.J.; Lerman J.;
Anderson B.J..Cote and Lerman’s a practice of anesthesia for infants and children. 5th ed.
2013; 835–880.
Davis P.J., Cladis F.P.
Smiths Anesthesia for Infants and Chil- d
ren. 2017; 461–512.
Brown T.C. History of pediatric regional anesthesia.
Paediatric Anaesthesia
. 2012; 22(1): 3–9.
Koryachkin V.A. Neuroaxial blockades. Saint Petersburg: EL- BI-SPb; 2017. (in Russian).
Aizenbergt V.L., Ulrikh G.E., Tsypin L.E., Zabolotskii D.V. Re- gional anesthesia in pediatrics: monograph.
Saint Petersburg: SintezBook;
2012. (in Russian).
Peutrell J.M., Hughes D.G. Combined spinal and epidural an- aesthesia for inguinal hernia repair in babies.
Paediatric Anaes- thesia
. 1994; 4: 221–227
Williams R.K., McBride W.J., Abajian J.C. Combined spinal and epidural anaesthesia for major abdominal surgery in infants.
Can. J. Anaesthesia
; 44: 511–4.
Ecoffey C., Lacroix F., Giaufré E., Orliaguet G., Courrèges P.; AssociationdesAnesthésistesRéanimateursPédiatriquesd’ Ex- pression Française (ADARPEF). Epidemiology and morbidity of regional anesthesia in children: a follow-up one-year pro- spective survey of the French-Language Society of Paediat- ric Anaesthesiologists.
Paediatric Anaesthesia.
2010; 20 (12): 1061–9.
Polaner D.M., Taenzer A.H., Walker B.J. Pediatric Regional Anesthesia Network (PRAN): a multi-institutional study of the use and incidence of complications of pediatric regional anes- thesia.
Anesthesia Analgesia.
2012; 115(6): 1353–64.
Strashnov V.I., Zabrodin O.N., Mamedov A.D., Strashnov A.V., Koryachkin V.A. Prevention of intraoperative stress and its consequences. Saint Petersburg: ELBI-SPb; 2015. (in Rus- sian).
Russell P., von Ungern-Sternberg B.S., Schug S.A. Perioperative analgesia in pediatric surgery
. Current Opinion Anaesthesiol.
2013; 26 (4): 420–427.
Marhofer P., Ivani G., Suresh S., et al. Every day regional anes- thesia in children.
Paediatric Anaesthesia.
2012; 22: 995–1001.
Kokki H. Spinal blocks.
Paediatric Anaesthesia.
2012; 22(1): 56-64.
Van Schoor A, Bosman MC, Bösenberg AT. The value of Tuff- ier’s line for neonatal neuraxial procedures.
Clin. Anat.
2014; 27: 370.
Polaner D.M., Walker B. J., Taenzer A. Pediatric Regional An- esthesia Network: a multi-institutional study of the use and incidence of complications of pediatric regional anesthesia.
Anesthesia Analgesia
. 2012; 115: 1353-1364.
Lees D., Frawley G., Taghavi K., Mirjalili S.A. A review of the surface and internal anatomy of the caudal canal in children.
Paediatric Anaesthesia
. 2014; 24(8): 799-805.
Lundblad M., Forestier J., Marhofer D., et al. Reduction of cere- bral mean blood flow velocity and oxygenation after high-vol- ume (1.5 ml kg(-)(1)) caudal block in infants.
2014; 113: 688–694.
Jöhr M. Regional anaesthesia in neonates, infants and children: an educational review.
2015; 32(5): 289-97.
Мархофер П.
Основы регионарной анестезии с ультразву-
ковой навигацией. Принципы и практическое применение. Издание второе.
2014; 236 с.
Wang A.C., Naidu J.O. et al. Sonographically guided lumbar puncture in pediatric patients.
Med. 2013; 32 (12): 2191–7.
Aggarwal A., Sahni D., Kaur H., Batra Y.K. The caudal space in fetuses: an anatomical study.
. 2012; 26(2): 206–12.
Samol N.B., Furstein J.S., Moore D L. Regional anesthesia and pain management for the pediatric patient. Int.
Anesthesiol. Clin.
2012; 50 (4): 83–95.
Миллер, Р.
. СПб.: Человек, 2015; - 3520 с.
Lönnqvist P.A. Toxicity of local anesthetic drugs: a pediatric. Adjuncts should always be used in pediatric regional anesthe- sia.
Pediatric Anaesthesia
. 2015; 25 (1): 100–106.
Dalens B., Veyckemans F. Traitéd’AnesthésieLoco
-Régionale, de la naissance à l’âgeadulte.
Montpellier: SaurampsMédical. 2008; 463–512.
Хомер Р. Уолкер И. Белл Г.
Интенсивнаятерапия и анестезия у детей. Практическое руководство
. 2017; -182 с.
Лазарев В.В., ред.
Анестезия в детской практике: учебное пособие
. М.: МЕДпресс-информ. 2016; 119–124.
Practice Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting and the Use of Pharmacologic Agents to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary As- piration: Application to Healthy Patients Undergoing Elective Procedures An Updated Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Preoperative Fasting and the Use of Pharmacologic Agents to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration.
2017; 126: 376–93.
Langford R. The preparation of children for surgery. ATOTW. 2009; 132.
Taenzer A.H., Walker B.J., Bösenberg A.T. Asleep versus awake: does it matter? Pediatric regional block complications by patient state: A report from the pediatric regional anesthesia network.
Reg. Anesth. Pain Med.
2014; 39: 279.
Tsypin L.E., Ovchinnikova A.A. Level of consciousness evalua- tion during anesthesia in pediatric patients.
Vestnik intensivnoi terapii.
2016; 1: 12–16. (in Russian).
Hodgson P.S., Neal J.M., Pollock J.E., Liu S.S. The neurotoxicity of drugs given intrathecally (spinal).
Anesth. Analg.
1999; 88: 797–809.
Severinghaus J.W. Intrathecally, Caine may dis-Able. Reflec- tions on lidocaine for spinal anesthesia.
Acta Anaesthesiol. Scand. Suppl.
1998; 113: 3–7.
Shulte-Steiberg O.
der regional anästhesia gegen uber Allgemeinanasthesie
. Hrsg H. Albrecht. – Stuttgart. 1981; 5–13.
Verghese S.T., Hannallah R.S. Acute pain management in chil- dren.
Pain Res.
2010; 3: 105–123.
Ukolov K.Yu., Aizenberg V.L., Arzhakova N.I. Morphine epi- dural analgesia in spine deformity surgery.
Vestnik intensivnoi terapii
. 2017; 1: 32–36. (in Russian).
Razhev S.V., Stepanenko S.M., Leshkevich A.I., Geodokyan O.S., Agavelyan E.G.
Etudes of regional anesthesia in children
. Moscow, 2001. (in Russian).
Agavelyan E.G.
Caudal epidural anesthesia with combination of bupivacain and promedol in children.
Cand. diss., med. sci. Moscow, 1996. (in Russian).
Cupta A., Saha U. Spinal anesthesia in children: A review.
Anaesthesiolog. Clin. Pharmacol.
2014; 30(1): 10–18.
Arthrus O.J., Murray M., Zubier M., Tooley J., Kelsall W. Ultra- songraphic determination of neonatal spinal canal depth.
Arch. Dis. Child Fetal.
2008; 93: 451–4.
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Краткая история нейроаксиальных блокад
Положение 1. Показания и противопоказания к нейроаксиальным блокадам
Положение 2. Предоперационная подготовка и премедикация
Положение 3. Седация
Положение 4. Инструментарий
Положение 5. Местные анестетики
Положение 6. Адъюванты
Положение 7. Техника
Положение 7. Осложнения нейроаксиальных блокад
Положение 8. Восстановление и выписка
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