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  1. Isakoff, M.S. et al. Poor Survival for Osteosarcoma of the Pelvis: A Report from the Children's Oncology Group/M.S. Isakoff, D.A. Barkauskas, D. Ebb//Clinical Orthopedics Related Research. - 2012. - 470. - P. 2007 - 2013.
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  6. Ebb, D. et al. Phase II Trial of Trastuzumab in Combination With Cytotoxic Chemotherapy for Treatment of Metastatic Osteosarcoma With Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 Overexpression: A Report From the Children's Oncology Group/D. Ebb, G. Holcombe, M. Karen//Journal of clinical oncology. - 2012. - 30. - 20. - P. 2245 - 2551. (http://meetinglibrary.asco.org/).
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