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Список литературы

1. Баркаган З.С., Момот А.П. Диагностика и контролируемая терапия нарушений гемостаза. М., 2001.

2. Добровольский А.Б., Косырев А.Б. Протромбиновый тест: Методика выполнения и клиническое значение. Ассоциация медицинской лабораторной диагностики. Информационный бюллетень, 1995; 2: 34-38.

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11. Andrew D. Mamford, Writing Group Chair and BCSH Task Force Member Sam Ackroyd, Raza Alikhan, Louise Bowles, Pratima Chowdary, John Grainger, Jason Mainwaring, Mary Mathias and Niamh O’Connell on behalf of the BCSH Committee. Guideline for the diagnosis and management of the rare coagulation disorders. British Journal of Haematology 2014; 5: 1- 23.

12. Baumann Kreuziger, L.M., Morton, C.T. & Reding, M.T. Is prophylaxis required for delivery in women with factor VII deficiency. Haemophilia, 2013; 19: 827-832.

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15. Berrettini, M., Mariani, G., Schiavoni, M., Rocino, A., Di Paolantonio, T., Longo, G. & Morfini, M. Pharmacokinetic evaluation of recombinant, activated factor VII in patients with inherited factor VII deficiency. Haematologica, 2001; 86: 640-645.

16. Bolton-Maggs, P.H., Perry, D.J., Chalmers, E.A., Parapia, L.A., Wilde, J.T., Williams, M.D., Collins, P.W., Kitchen, S., Dolan, G. & Mumford, A.D. The rare coagulation disorders - review with guidelines for management from the United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors’ Organisation. Haemophilia, 2004; 10: 593-628.

17. Bowles, L., Baker, K., Khair, K., Mathias, M. & Liesner, R. Prophylaxis with prothrombin complex concentrate in four children with severe congenital factor X deficiency. Haemophilia, 2009; 15: 401-403.

18. Brown, D.L. & Kouides, P.A. Diagnosis and treatment of inherited factor X deficiency. Haemophilia, 2008; 14: 1176-1182.

19. Di Minno, M.N., Dolce, A., Mariani, G. & STER Study Group. Bleeding symptoms at disease presentation and prediction of ensuing bleeding in inherited FVII deficiency. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2013; 109: 1051-1059.

20. Giansily-Blaizot, M., Marty, S., Chen, S.W., Pellequer, J.L. & Schved, J.F. Is the coexistence of thromboembolic events and Factor VII deficiency fortuitous? Thrombosis Research, 2012; 130: S47-S49.

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22. Girolami, A., Scarparo, P., Bonamigo, E., Treleani, M. & Lombardi, A.M. Homozygous FVII deficiencies with different reactivity towards tissue thromboplastins of different origin. Hematology, 2012; 17: 350-354.

23. Herrmann F.H., Auerswald G., Ruiz-Saez A., Navarrete M., Pollmann H., Lopaciuk S., Batorova A., Wulff K. & Greifswald Factor X Deficiency Study Group. Factor X deficiency: clinical manifestation of 102 subjects from Europe and Latin America with mutations in the factor 10 gene. Haemophilia, 2006; 12: 479-489.

24. Herrmann, F.H., Wulff, K., Auerswald, G., Schul- man, S., Astermark, J., Batorova, A., Kreuz, W., Pollmann, H., Ruiz-Saez, A., De Bosch, N., Salazar-Sanchez, L. & Greifswald Factor VII Deficiency Study Group. Factor VII deficiency: clinical manifestation of 717 subjects from Europe and Latin America with mutations in the factor 7 gene. Haemophilia, 2009; 15: 267280.

25. Kadir, R., Chi, C. & BoltonMaggs, P. Pregnancy and rare bleeding disorders. Haemophilia, 2009; 15: 990-1005.

26. Karimi, M., Vafafar, A., Haghpanah, S., Payandeh, M., Eshghi, P, Hoofar, H., Afrasiabi, A., Gerdabi, J., Ardeshiri, R., Menegatti, M. & Peyvandi, F. Efficacy of prophylaxis and genotypephenotype correlation in patients with severe Factor X deficiency in Iran. Haemophilia, 2012; 18: 211-215.

27. Keeling, D., Tait, C. & Makris, M. Guideline on the selection and use of therapeutic products to treat haemophilia and other hereditary bleeding disorders. A United Kingdom Haemophilia Center Doctors’ Organisation (UKHCDO) guideline approved by the British Committee for Standards in Haematology. Haemophilia, 2008; 14: 671-684.

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