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Chapter nineteen. Oxford. - Montmorency's idea of Heaven. - The hired up-river boat, its beauties and advantages. - The "Pride of the Thames." - The weather changes. -The river under different aspects. - Not a cheerful evening. - Yearnings for the unattainable. - The cheery chat goes round. - George performs upon the banjo. - A mournful melody. - Another wet day. -Flight. - A little supper and a toast

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Chapter nineteen. Oxford. - Montmorency's idea of Heaven. - The hired up-river boat, its beauties and advantages. - The "Pride of the Thames." - The weather changes. -The river under different aspects. - Not a cheerful evening. - Yearnings for the unattainable. - The cheery chat goes round. - George performs upon the banjo. - A mournful melody. - Another wet day. -Flight. - A little supper and a toast
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