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Медицина (ВО) ГЭОТАР-Медиа. Books in English
Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery
АвторыNikolaev A.V.
Год издания2018
The textbook provides topographic descriptions of organs and tissues in the regions of the human body strictly to the layer-by-layer principle and applies the terms from the latest official international anatomic nomenclature (AN, Rome, 1999) both in English and in Latin. It also lays out the most wide-spread surgical operations.
This edition includes cases and tests for self-assessment as well as over 400 fi gures, both original and modifi ed from other manuals.
The revised and improved textbook is designed for the third-fourth year English-speaking medical students. ...
Textbook of Human Anatomy. In 3 vol. Vol. 3. Nervous system. Esthesiology
АвторыL. L. Kolesnikov, D. B. Nikitiuk,S. V. Klochkova, I. G. Stelnikova
Год издания2018
This book provides essential facts of human anatomy for medical students. It demonstrates the basic knowledgefor exam preparation and practice review of visual experiences. Plenty of clear illustrations (more than 900 pictures, radiographic and cross-sectional images) help students memorize the topics of anatomy. Modern imaging technologies allow the depiction of organs and systems in a variety of ways to gain thorough knowledge and to link to the clinical setting. The content of the book corresponds to the Federal Program for medical education.
Material is divided according to systemic anatomy into three volumes. Volume 3 contains information about nervous system structure (Central, Peripheral, Autonomic nervous systems) and sense organs. ...
Textbook of Human Anatomy. In 3 vol. Vol. 2. Splanchnology and cardiovascular system
АвторыL. L. Kolesnikov, D. B. Nikitiuk, S. V. Klochkova, I. G. Stelnikova
Год издания2018
This book provides essential facts of human anatomy for medical students. It demonstrates the basic knowledge for exam preparation and practice review of visual experiences. Plenty of clear illustrations (more than 900 pictures, radiographic and cross-sectional images) help students memorize the topics of anatomy. Modern imaging technologies allow the depiction of organs and systems in a variety of ways to gain thorough knowledge and to link to the clinical setting. The content of the book corresponds to the Federal Program for medical education.
Material is divided according to systemic anatomy into three volumes. Volume 2 contains information about internal organs development (Respiratory, Urinary, Reproductive, Lymphoid, Cardiovascular systems and En- docrine glands). ...
АвторыRadzinskiy V.E., Fuks A.M., Gagaev Сh.G.
Год издания2018
The present textbook was developed in accordance with the Federal Educational Standard of the Russian Federation and syllabi for the course of Obstetrics in the USA and Great Britain. This textbook differs from its counterparts by its integrated approach to the contemporary knowledge system in obstetrics and perinatology. The textbook can be of use to international students studying in Russia as well as Russian students who plan to have their diplomas recognized abroad and to seek employment overseas. The structure of the textbook, presentation of material, recourse to the international classi? cation of disease, the illustrative material, several stages of self-check tasks at the end of each section - all these features provide for a better assimilation of the material, give insight into the advantages of the training system in this country and, at the same time, preparation for certi? cation abroad.
The textbook is intended for medical students, resident medical practitioners, obstetrician-gynecologists and general practitioner. ...
Introduction to Dentistry
АвторыSevbitov A.V.
Год издания2018
The manual features fundamentals of dental care organization and anatomy of teeth.
The manual contains 17 lessons on issues related to the goals and objectives of dentistry, organization of dental clinics, departments, and offices together with description of their equipment, as well as general and special anatomy of teeth, and oral hygiene.
Clinical practice and research performed by the teaching staff of the Dental Faculty of the Sechenov University underlies preparation of the manual. It also includes test problems and control questions on the areas covered in the book.
The manual is intended for dental students and practicing dentists. ...
Life Safety in Medicine
АвторыLevchuk I.P.
Год издания2018
The course book highlights six principle topics of the module "First Aid" as a part of the subject "Health and Safety, Disaster Medicine" and contains key questions for each part as well as cases and provisional tests for the students' self-control. This book can be helpful for the students taught by means of e-educational systems (including distant learning). The course book is designed for the tertiary medical students taught in English as well as for the foreign students attending classes as a part of the Russian-speaking groups. It can be used as complementary reading by the clinical residents, graduate students, medical students, secondary medical schools students and medical-college students learning English. Учебное пособие освещает основные шесть тем модуля "Безопасность жизнедеятельности" дисциплины "Безопасность жизнедеятельности, медицина катастроф", а также содержит ключевые вопросы к каждому разделу, ситуационные задачи и примерные тесты для самостоятельной оценки студентами результатов своей подготовки. Данное пособие может быть использовано для обучения студентов посредством электронных образовательных систем, в том числе с применением дистанционных технологий. Предназначено студентам медицинских вузов, обучающимся на английском языке, а также студентам-иностранцам, обучающимся в составе русско язычных групп, может быть использовано в качестве дополнительной литературы ординаторами и аспирантами, студентами вузов, медицинских училищ и колледжей, изучающими английский язык. ...
Клиническая патофизиология : курс лекций, тесты, задачи
АвторыП. Ф. Литвицкий, С. В. Пирожков, Е. Б. Тезиков
Год издания2018
The textbook for students, studying the basic course of pathophysiology in English, is organized according to the module principle and contains summary of lectures on the specific module’s topic, tests, clinico-pathophysiological and clinico-laboratory cases for training and control of knowledge, algorithms of solution of the typical problems, and also questions to prepare for classes, colloquia and final examination on pathophysiology. The edition contains the discussions of the subject matter of pathophysiology; its aims, issues, methods, and constituent parts. It summarizes the main concepts of general nosology, etiology and pathogenesis. In a concise format or in a form of schemes, it considers the causes, mechanisms of development, adaptive reactions, manifestations and outcome of the typical pathologic processes and typical forms of pathology of organs and physiological systems, including separate syndromes and nosologic units. Each topic of the pathophysiology course is supplied by a set of clinical case problems, tests for self-control by students, algorithms of solutions of the selected problems, and correct answers for the tests. This textbook is prepared for students and teachers of the English-speaking Division of the Department of Pathophysiology. ...
Textbook of Human Anatomy. In 3 vol. Vol. 1. Locomotor apparatus
АвторыL. L. Kolesnikov, D. B. Nikitiuk, S. V. Klochkova, I. G. Stelnikova
Год издания2018
This book provides essential facts of human anatomy for medical students. It demonstrates the basic knowledge for exam preparation and practice review of visual experiences. Plenty of clear illustrations (more than 900 pictures, radiographic and cross-sectional images) help students memorize the topics of anatomy. Modern imaging technologies allow the depiction of organs and systems in a variety of ways to gain thorough knowledge and to link to the clinical setting. The content of the book corresponds to the Federal Program for medical education.
Material is divided according to systemic anatomy into three volumes. Volume 1 contains Introduction, Human development, and Locomotor apparatus. ...
The Medical History of a Surgical Patient
АвторыMerzlikin N.V.
Год издания2018
This tutorial aims to formalize a standardized approach to the design of the medical history of a surgical patient. It gives detailed recommendations for the proper anamnesis collection, description of objective status, diagnosis and its substantiation, and diff erential diagnosis. It describes the order of documents registration for preparing and performing surgical intervention and anesthesia. It pays particular attention to the correct interpretation of the follow-up examination results. The appendices contain reference ranges for laboratory tests, a short version of the International Classifi cation of Diseases, interpretation of indicators of blood and urine tests on automatic analyzers, the new nomenclature of standard and surgical diets, recommendations for the prevention of infectious and thromboembolic complications, and registered forms of medical records . The tutorial is designed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of higher professional education for students pursuing a degree in General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry. ...
АвторыKharkevitch D.A.
Год издания2017
The 2nd edition of the textbook is revised and supplemented with new information. Modern considerations concerning the bases of pharmacotherapy of certain diseases are being discussed. Mechanisms of drug action are reviewed according to the latest achievements in fundamental pharmacology. The textbook is designed for medical students. ...
АвторыKoshechkin V.A.
Год издания2017
In the textbook "Phthisiatry" basic information is presented on etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, methods of treatment, prevention of TB in accordance with the tuberculosis program of the medical schools adopted by the Federal state educational standard of higher professional education (specialty 060101). Special attention is devoted to current important issues of TB: drug-resistance and tuberculosis/HIV coinfection. The textbook assembled in Russian and English in separate editions. Exposition of the basic materials in two languages has diff erent goals. For foreign students who are learning phthisiatry in English to help to obtain the material in Russian language. For foreign students studying phthisiatry in Russian to give the opportunity to understand material more deeply. For Russian students to give the opportunity for perfection of their English, which is the language for professional communication in international medical forums. The textbook is designed for medical students. ...
First Aid in Case of Accidents and Emergency Situations : course book
АвторыI. P. Levchuk, M. V. Kostyuchenko, A. P. Nazarov
Год издания2017
C ourse book highlights nine principle topics of the module "First Aid" as a part of the subject "Health and Safety, Disaster Medicine" and contains key questions for each part as well as provisional tests for the students’ self-check. This course book can be helpful for the students taught by means of e-educational systems (including distant learning). The course book is designed for the tertiary medical students taught in English as well as for the foreign students attending classes as a part of the Russian-speaking groups. Besides it can be used as complementary reading by the University students, secondary medical schools students and medical-college students learning English. ...
Fundamentals of bioorganic chemistry = Основы биоорганической химии
АвторыЗурабян С.Э.
Год издания2017
The textbook is based on modern organic chemistry and considers the structure and chemical transformations of organic compounds, especially those that have biological importance. Special attention is given to the chemical reactions that have analogies in living systems. The book contains about 250 problems on all topics and solutions for them. This book conforms to the Federal educational program on Bioorganic Chemistry for medical schools and universities. It is meant for students who study Bioorganic Chemistry during one term. The book may also be useful for teachers and students of specialized secondary schools with instruction conducted in English and colleges, whose main interest is medicine, pharmacy, biology and agriculture. ...
The Course of Faculty (Analitical) Surgery in Pictures, Tables and Schemes
АвторыM.A. Lagoon, B.S. Kharitonov, edited by professor S. V. Vertyankin
Год издания2017
This manual is prepared by collective of Theoretical Surgery and Oncology Department of V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University. This manual includes modern conceptions of basic surgical diseases, studied by students of medical institutes of higher education during the course of "Theoretical Surgery" and "Surgical Diseases". There are 14 topics on surgical pathology of different organs presented in the manual. Every topic contains detailed descriptions of etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and methods of surgical treatment of many surgical diseases. Logically presented material with original compelling diagrams, tables, photographies, pictures and only short straight text fragments contribute to fast and firm understanding and learning. There are test tasks in the application - 50 test tasks on every topic. The manual is written in compliance with requirements of Federal State Educational standards of the higher professional education by specialities Medical care and Pediatrics. The manual is assigned for medical students of specialities 31.05.01 "Medical work", 31.05.02 "Pediatrics". It can also be useful for interns, residents, post-graduate students and teachers of surgical departments. This edition is simultaneous interpretation of the manual published in Russian. ...
Philosophy: manual
АвторыK.A. Temirgaliev, M.Y. Temirbekova
Год издания2016
Manual contains theoretical framework and methodology of рhilosophy, and amongst other things concerns the biomedical sciences. This manual is intended to help students in preparing for in-class, guided and independent learning. Manual is meant for students and teachers of Karaganda State Medical University. ...
Sociology of Medicine: textbook
АвторыReshetnikov A.V.
Год издания2016
This issue is the second enlarged edition of the textbook 'Sociology of Medicine' by Academician of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Social Science Doctor, Doctor of Medicine, and Professor A.V. Reshetnikov. This manual analyzes the evolution, the place and future development of sociology of medicine in the system of modern scientific knowledge and in the practice of social systems functioning. The textbook sets out systematic knowledge on the most important topics and areas of sociology of medicine which give an idea of the continuity of the formation of medical and sociological concepts, theories, and medicine and health care models, patterns of formulation of medical and sociological problems and research in these fields, scientific instruments, rules of evaluation of scientific and practical activities in the health care system. For health care managers, sociologists, students of medical and sociological faculties, graduate students, teachers and experts in the field of sociology of medicine. ...
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