АвторыM. Echanove, R. Srivastava
The Slum Outside
ИздательствоСтрелка Пресс
Тип изданияучебное пособие
Год издания2017
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Для каталогаEchanove, M. The Slum Outside / M. Echanove, R. Srivastava - Москва : "Стрелка Пресс", 2017. - 59 с. - ISBN 978-5-906264-27-5. - Текст : электронный // ЭБС "Консультант студента" : [сайт]. - URL : https://www.studentlibrary.ru/book/ISBN9785906264275.html (дата обращения: 13.03.2025). - Режим доступа : по подписке.
АннотацияMatias Echanove and Rahul Srivastava joined forces through their blog airoots/eirut in 2006. They have since written extensively on urban themes and are working on projects involving architecture, planning, pedagogy and technology. They run the Institute of Urbanology in Mumbai and Goa and are co-founders of urbz.net, an experimental platform for collaborative practice in urban development.